Holly Bed Frame With Pull Out Mattress and 1 Holly Spring Mattress | Bed Set

Holly Bed Frame With Pull Out Mattress + 1 Holly Spring Mattress

  • $888
  • [Retail Price $1734]

The Holly is made as a simple bed frame with an additional pull-out mattress on rollers for siblings to sleep together. Designed to take up minimal space, the slim frame of the bed leaves for more floor space. This pull out bed frame is also available in super single size.

Bedframe Sizes & Dimensions

Super SingleW1095 x D2060 x H880 mm
SingleW935 x D2060 x H880 mm

Drawer Mattress Dimensions:

Super SingleW1070 x D1890 mm
SingleW915 x D1890 mm

Bedframe Material: Fabric

Headboard Material: Fabric

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